Alchemy: noun; any seemingly magical process of transforming or combining elements into something new
Wellness: noun; the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort
My passion is holding a space for you to create your own alchemical transformation into your ultimate quality of wellness in body, mind and soul
Meet Emily
Having worked in the corporate world experiencing stress and burnout I knew I had to find a way of looking after my mental and physical health.
I was drawn to yoga for this very reason. Since then I have been on a journey of deep healing and self discovery.
Moving out of living my life as a people pleaser, unable to make or commit to my own decisions and allowing other people to control and influence what I did.
Moving into a space of independence, freedom and confidence in who I am and trusting in my own choices.
Yoga, pilates, free movement, breathwork, meditation and self development work have been my anchor to coming home to myself.
My safe space from which to heal.
My cocoon from which to discover and transform.
This is what I want for you, my friend.
To share this magical alchemy to rediscover what true, whole wellness means to you.
To give you the tools to empower yourself in your own journey of self discovery.
I’m here to help you.
Feel your feelings
It all begins with noticing how you feel. Understand your own emotional intelligence and where you are out of alignment.
Build your confidence
It can be scary to scratch the surface and peel back the layers. I will be here to help you learn tools and techniques that empower you to take yourself deeper in a safe and secure way.
Expand your energy
Start by meeting yourself where you’re at now and step by step expand your energy to re-align with your most whole, authentic self.